Project Integration

To integrate the Fumiwo SDK into an Android application, you just have to :

dependencies {
  // ... other libs

Depending on your configuration, you may need to add the following libs:

dependencies {

Authentication and API Mode

To be able to use the SDK, you need your API Key provided by Fumiwo.

The SDK can be run in 2 modes:


First thing, you have to create a Fumiwo Client to interact with the SDK. You do this by using the function createFumiwoClient.

Typically this call is done in the onCreate methods of the MainActivity

import io.fumiwo.sdk.FumiwoMode
import io.fumiwo.sdk.FumiwoPrivacyLevel
import io.fumiwo.sdk.createFumiwoClient

val fumiwoClient = createFumiwoClient(
    activity = this,
    fumiwoApiKey = "<YOUR API KEY>",
    externalReferenceId = "TestUserId",
    level = FumiwoPrivacyLevel.FULL,
    noSensibleRights = true

The parameters are as follow :